Pianists of any nationality who have not reached the age of 36 on the day the competition begins or during the course of the competition are eligible to participate.
Will not be admitted students of any jury member.
Deadline for registration: 1st October 2025
1st Round (online – pre-selection), 2nd Round, Semi-final and Final Round.
All rounds voting results will be public and published in the blackboard of the competition, website and social media.
The competition requests a link (Youtube, Vimeo, or others…), which includes an audiovisual recording of the participant including one or more works of free choice, with a duration of between 15 and 20 minutes, made in the last 2 years.
A maximum of 46 participants will be admitted in the Second Round.
After a study that the Competition Management carries out, the first 20/46 contestants who can prove that they have won prizes at the Young Artist Category of the María Herrero International Piano Competition in Granada, will have direct access to the Second Stage of the Competition, as well main prizes (1st, 2nd and 3rd) of competitions of the WFIMC.
Likewise, if there are more than 20 participants who want to access by diploma, only the first 20 participants that send the registration form will be admitted.
The results of the First Online Round will be published between 10th and 15th October 2025.
No changes in the repertory will be accepted after the registration deadline.
The competition will take place in the Auditorio Joaquín Rodrigo de Las Rozas (Av. Polideportivo 18). These will be of a public nature and may be broadcast, televised and recorded with the authorisation of the Competition Management.
By registering, participants are authorising the use of their image through photographs or videos for publicity purposes for the competition.
A maximum of 10 participants will be admitted to the Semi-Final Round and 3 will go through to the Final Round.
1.-Competitors accepted without Recording.
Following a study that the Competition Management will carry out, the first 20 participants who can prove that they have won prizes in any of the above-mentioned competitions, without the need to send a recording, will be admitted directly to the Second Round.
2.-Competitors accepted with Recording.
The pre-selection jury will analyse the recordings received and will select the participants who will enter the Second Stage.
The preselected candidates to the second phase will be published on the contest website on October 15th 2025.
3.- Order of Performance.
The contestants will perform in alphabetical order, the letter with which the competition will begin being drawn by lot.
This order may be modified due to force majeure or artistic reasons only in the second round live. The candidate must justify this and the direction of the competition will take his reasons into account, taking a final decision.
If the reason for the change is accepted, the participant will recover his or her position in alphabetical order in the next round semifinal.
The result of the performance draw, which will be held by the Competition Organizing Committee, will be on the 9th November 2025 after the piano test.
4.- Piano Test.
Competitors wishing to try out the piano must arrive at the Auditorium at a time to be communicated to them by the Competition Organising Committee.
Competitors who are not present at the communicated time will not be able to take part in the test.
5.- Piano Brand.
The piano will be a Concert Grand Yangtze River CGF-X1.
6.- Jury.
The Jury may interrupt the contestant’s performance in case they exceed the time limit of the round, without this implying any kind of assessment.
The Jury is not obliged to award all the prizes. Its decisions are final.
7.- Piano Practice.
The Competition will have studio pianos available for rehearsals during the competition and will provide the same amount of hours between all the participants.
The competition may offer each participant a minimum of 2 and half hours of practice per day in the second round, and 5 hours of practice per day for the semifinal and final round.
8.- Visa.
All travel and visa expenses will be the responsibility of the participant. Visa requirements for Spain will be requested from the respective embassy or consulate. Participants are responsible for applying for their own visa. Upon request, the organisation will send a letter of invitation by email.
9.- Official Rules.
The Management of the Competition may resolve all situations not covered by these rules.
In the event of a translation error in the rules, the Spanish rules will be taken as the official rules.
Registration in the Competition implies acceptance of these rules in their entirety.
C.I.P.C.E reserves his right to authorise the broadcasting and telecasting of the Concerts and sessions of the Competition, as well as the right to make recordings on any musical or video support for the benefit of the Competition.
* In the case of divergence between the texts translated from Spanish to English, the official Spanish text will prevail.